[Type] InterfaceStatus
This endpoint offers real-time status information for system interfaces. It allows users to monitor the operational status, health, and performance of integrated interfaces. This endpoint is valuable for tracking the availability and reliability of data connections and communication channels within the system.
Endpoint URL
// Authorization via JWT Token
Authorization: Bearer <YourToken>
Learn how to get access to our API V2.0 by clicking here.
You can copy and use our API v2.0 Example Token to get familiar with our API GraphQL Resources.
Code | Type |
200 | Success |
204 | No Content |
400 | Bad Request |
401 | Unauthorized |
Example Code
var myHeaders = new Headers();
myHeaders.append("Content-Type", "application/json");
myHeaders.append("Authorization", "Bearer eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJVc2VySW5mbyI6IntcIklkXCI6OTgxLFwiSWRlbnRpdHlJZFwiOlwiNjMyMzhhZTQtMzAyMC00NWI5LWEwODktOTE2ZTY4MDMyZTY3XCIsXCJVc2VyTmFtZVwiOlwiMF9URVNUX0NMSUVOVFwiLFwiRW1haWxcIjpcInRlc3RjbGllbnRAd2VhbHRodGVjaHMuY29tXCIsXCJGaXJzdE5hbWVcIjpcIlRlc3RcIixcIkxhc3ROYW1lXCI6XCJDbGllbnRcIixcIklzQ2xpZW50VXNlclwiOmZhbHNlfSIsIm5iZiI6MTY5NDcwMjU3OSwiZXhwIjoxOTI0OTIzNjAwLCJpc3MiOiJXZWFsdGhUZWNocyIsImF1ZCI6IkFQSVVzZXJzIn0.bNcP0ouNwtFoxrI7pYXw0WKiw0TN6w_R2-Ban5moo1A");
var graphql = JSON.stringify({
query: "query InterfaceStatus {\r\n interfaceStatus {\r\n nodes {\r\n custodianId\r\n customerId\r\n processDate\r\n runDate\r\n eta\r\n statusId\r\n hasTrn\r\n hasPos\r\n hasPri\r\n hasLot\r\n hasAcc\r\n hasVeh\r\n hasFx\r\n noWeekendFiles\r\n }\r\n }\r\n}",
variables: {}
var requestOptions = {
method: 'POST',
headers: myHeaders,
body: graphql,
redirect: 'follow'
fetch("https://api.wealthtechs.com/v2/graphql/", requestOptions)
.then(response => response.json())
.then(result => console.log(result))
.catch(error => console.log('error', error));
Example Response
"data": {
"interfaceStatus": {
"nodes": [
"custodianId": 0,
"customerId": 0,
"processDate": "2023-09-19T00:00:00.000-04:00",
"runDate": "2023-09-20T10:52:50.297-04:00",
"eta": "PT5H",
"statusId": 6,
"hasTrn": false,
"hasPos": false,
"hasPri": false,
"hasLot": false,
"hasAcc": false,
"hasVeh": false,
"hasFx": false,
"noWeekendFiles": false
"custodianId": 0,
"customerId": 0,
"processDate": "2023-09-18T00:00:00.000-04:00",
"runDate": "2023-09-19T10:52:50.297-04:00",
"eta": "PT5H",
"statusId": 5,
"hasTrn": true,
"hasPos": true,
"hasPri": true,
"hasLot": true,
"hasAcc": false,
"hasVeh": true,
"hasFx": true,
"noWeekendFiles": false
"custodianId": 0,
"customerId": 0,
"processDate": "2023-09-15T00:00:00.000-04:00",
"runDate": null,
"eta": "PT5H",
"statusId": 4,
"hasTrn": true,
"hasPos": true,
"hasPri": true,
"hasLot": true,
"hasAcc": false,
"hasVeh": true,
"hasFx": true,
"noWeekendFiles": false
"custodianId": 0,
"customerId": 0,
"processDate": "2023-09-14T00:00:00.000-04:00",
"runDate": "2023-09-15T10:52:50.297-04:00",
"eta": "PT5H",
"statusId": 3,
"hasTrn": true,
"hasPos": true,
"hasPri": true,
"hasLot": true,
"hasAcc": false,
"hasVeh": true,
"hasFx": true,
"noWeekendFiles": false
"custodianId": 0,
"customerId": 0,
"processDate": "2023-09-13T00:00:00.000-04:00",
"runDate": "2023-09-14T10:52:50.297-04:00",
"eta": "PT5H",
"statusId": 2,
"hasTrn": false,
"hasPos": false,
"hasPri": false,
"hasLot": false,
"hasAcc": false,
"hasVeh": false,
"hasFx": false,
"noWeekendFiles": false
"custodianId": 0,
"customerId": 0,
"processDate": "2023-09-12T00:00:00.000-04:00",
"runDate": "2023-09-13T10:52:50.297-04:00",
"eta": "PT5H",
"statusId": 1,
"hasTrn": false,
"hasPos": false,
"hasPri": false,
"hasLot": false,
"hasAcc": false,
"hasVeh": false,
"hasFx": false,
"noWeekendFiles": false